villa La Orotava 1249

Address: La Orotava, Santa Cruz Tenerife, Spain

Ref. ID: 1269

Area: 1249 m2

Price: 4 100 000 EUR

Type: villa

Energy rating: X

Bedrooms: 6

Baths: 6

Pool: 0

Lat: 28.397807
Long: -16.518193

    I have interest about this property.


    Historic house, in the heart of La Orotava, in front of the Church of the Conception. Located on a plot of 1718 m2, the building occupies an area of approximately 1249 m2. A little history : This property was built in the mid-19th century (1800-1820), when at the request of the Llarena family (Elisa Llarena and Cólogan), an old building was remodeled under the classicist style of romantic taste; which was designed by the architect Manuel Oraá. Of its facades, the main one defined by a balanced distribution of the openings stands out, acting as an axis of symmetry the access cover, carved in stonework as well as the cornice that crowns the whole. For its part, the rear facade is again singled out by the symmetrical arrangement of the openings. We are facing a unique opportunity to get an unrepeatable house, both for its situation and its characteristics. The property is perfect for hotel activity, residence for the elderly, events, meetings.